bq_Shape Layer Navigator (v1.2) – Plugin for After Effects

After Effects  CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6 | 1 Mb

1.2  (Current version)  –  Jun 13, 2016

+ Fixed Panel Focus Issue (CS6 and earlier) :: an Adobe bug on some CS6 and earlier installs makes it so when you bring any Script UI Panel into focus (by clicking on it), keyboard shortcuts stop working and do not bring the focus back to the timeline. This means that keyboard shortcuts, like tapping “SS”, do not work unless you physically click the timeline or composition panel to bring it back into focus. THE FIX: When using CS6 or earlier, clicking any button automatically brings the composition back into focus, fixing this problem and letting keyboard shortcuts.

+ Fixed Popup Window Issue (CS6 and earlier) :: an Adobe bug on some CS6 and earlier installs makes popup windows sometimes display in random parts of the screen, instead of right next to where you clicked as intended. THE FIX: Popup windows will appear in the center of the screen like a normal dialog window.

+ Fixed “Unable to create temporary image file” Errors (CS6 and earlier) :: an Adobe bug causes these errors for some CC and earlier users when first launching the script, preventing the script from running entirely. It seems sometimes After Effects has issues creating the icon images, and sometimes it doesn’t. Go figure. THE FIX: Copy the new folder “bq_ShapeLayerNavigator” to your ScriptUI Panels folder. This folder contains the images needed for the icon buttons, which bypasses this error and allows the script to run normally.

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