Crime Title Sequence / Credits – Classified Detective 20803530 Videohive – Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CC++ | No Plugin | 1920×1080 | 3 MB
Other Similar Projects Main features : Classified Title Sequence / End Credits
- AE CC and upper version compatible
- FullHD 1920X1080
- Duration : 53 sec
- 16 text placeholders for intro, outro and crew members name
- 14 media placeholders for you to put either photos or your film cuts
- This template has been created in a modular style. So if you need less, you can delete the extra compositions in the timeline and rearrage it. Video instruction is provided for this.
- This template has a very powerful effect control options. You can enable or disable certain elements, change the color, change the serial code and a lot more!
- You’ll also have the option to disable the image in any shot and the text will automatically position to the center. This will give you more option and customization control!
- No third party plugins required for this project
- Tutorial video and readme file is included (txt file)
- Download links for the fonts used in the preview are provided inside the Readme file
- This template is very neat and easy to understand. You will also find instruction in every composition to help you understand the project
- Music used in the preview is not included.
- You can get the musichere.