Align to Path v1.6 (Aescrips)

Align to Path allows you to attach and align layers to single or multiple motion paths. Like Magic!

How to use:

  1. Select the layer(s) you want to attach to a motion path
  2. Add to your selection any masks you want to use as a motion path (IMPORANT – Select the Mask NAME, not the Mask PATH)
  3. Run the script.

Interface Options:

  • Keep Position Offset
    Keep the layer at it’s current position
  • Auto-Orient to Path
    Should the layer by automatically oriented while following the path
    (Note: Auto-Orient only works after an initial keyframe is created on the Motion Path Complete slider)
  • Updating Paths
    Every path you add will show up in this listTo update them do the following:

    1. Edit the original Mask Path (The path can not be animated)
    2. Select the Mask(s) you want to update in the GUI
    3. Click Update

    All your connected layers should jump to their new positions
    Any existing keyframes will stay in place

    Use the “Clear” button to empty the list
    (This is necessary if you undo the adding of a motion path)


  • Motion Path Completion
    Animate through all of your paths sequentially
    When this is activated, the sliders for individual paths have no effect
  • Complete Sequentially
    How far along on the motion path(s) the layer is. Range 0→100
  • One slider per motion path
    You can animate what % you want each motion path to contribute
    If all sliders are set to 0, then you can set a keyframe like normal on your layer

Things to keep in mind:

  • The sliders are only valid in the range of 0 100. If the slider is moved outside this range, it will get calculated as 0 or 100
    (All sliders are normalized to 100% — The values are added together, and divided by the # of sliders.)
  • The script makes a null per each of your motion paths. However, they are put as the last layers in your comp, locked, hidden, and set to shy mode
  • If the Mask Layer is rotated or scaled, motion paths will not reflect this (the same as when copying a mask in the interface)
  • Even with Orient Along Path selected, you can still animate the rotation of the layer like normal
  • When using Complete Sequentially, the masks will complete in alphabetical order

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